Monday, December 2, 2019
Introvert personality Essay Example
Introvert personality Paper Being self motivated calls for a good dosage of positively aggressive behaviour at work place. Introverts would find it highly difficult to be self motivated. In a job where it involves regular public contact, it would be quite normal to encourage and appreciate people around. It would be next to impossible to expect introverts to do so. The very fact and reason that introverts need a push to motivate themselves, rules out any chances of motivating others. Such individuals will find it highly difficult to gain avenue growth in the organizational ladder. At higher levels in the organization it is quite understandable to have good leadership qualities. Introverts because of their silence will be understood to lack self confidence. Introverts in general fear accepting responsibility. They avoid taking ownership of responsibilities. They suggest their brains on how out going confident persons are. They never less often motivate themselves to be confident; but are rather obvious to question Can I or Why am I not. This lack of confidence puts them in a back seat of confidence. In the journey of career, confidence is like the steering. If there is good confidence in hands, the journey will be in full throttle. If the steering (confidence) is missing, then no one knows when the car (job) is gonna crash. Introverts lack self confidence and authority. They take no responsibility of actions. Being a good leader calls for leading 999 men amongst the group of 1000. Introverts are in constant search for a leader to guide them with vision. Leadership skills calls for choosing a vision and goal and consistently be the reason or driving force to achieve the same. However it is difficult for a person with low self confidence to develop leadership skills. We will write a custom essay sample on Introvert personality specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Introvert personality specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Introvert personality specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer At a job involving public contact, it is apparent that fellow colleagues will expect coordination leadership and support from their boss. Lack of leadership skills of an individual; results in junior and fellow colleagues basing a grudge and dislike. In all these cases, it is the introvert employee at work place whose integrity and leadership skills are at stake. Being introvert is not something which is uncommon. Introversion is not a disease; its a state of mind. In the fast moving world, it is very important to move faster than ones inner self. Introverts tend to live at a pace close to their inner self. However in a job involving public contact, it calls for being out going and interactive. It is necessary to respect an individual persons privacy within himself; but privacy to inner self should not affect work and performance in any way. For instance at work place, it involves lots of interaction with new people, faces, voices, and characters. An introduction to so many new varieties results in heavy load on the head of introverts. It becomes nerve wrecking for them to make any cold calls of marketing. They cannot make new relationships in business or work very easily. This results in hindering them from growth of business and their career as well. In a job involving public contact, say public relations, its a part and parcel of the job responsibilities to interact with various publics of the organization. This includes the media, share holders and other stakeholders in an organization. But introverts will find it highly difficult to sustain and survive in this job, success being a second question. Handling so many people in a single day will tire them out instantly. The very fact of public interaction tires them out. Managerial level decisions require tones of confidence and responsibility assumption. Introverts run miles away from responsibility of actions. They fear being given responsibility of decisions. Taking decisions can be disastrous to them. The confidence required for the decision making process tires them out. However this does not imply that an introvert will or will not take a good decision. But the time taken by introvert to take a good decision is much longer than that of an extrovert. This is due to the lack of interaction and information in hand with an introvert. If the same is done with much faster pace, it would make decision making at work place much smoother and responsible. On a long run, every employee in an organisation is expected to have some degree of vision and goal set for him. This is required by the company to keep the employee motivated to work that extra mile of performance. The company expects of its employees to be individuals who can be better managers and future leaders. It is obvious of them to expect this from their employees. Companies in the public domain and interaction are in constant lookout for people who are zestful, passionate and have a go get it attitude. Introverts lack the very basic qualities of eligibility in this context. They need a push of motivation than leading a team. Introverts prefer being a part of the team than leading it. Leadership is like an added burden to their already loaded task list. This on a long run calls for rectification in a company where there is constant public contact. In a world where everything moves at a pace where wink of an eye is a moment, it is taken for granted that introversion can lead to failure. However derogatory it sounds, most situations record the success of extroverts to quite an extent. Introverts take decisions after deep thinking, and are firm and less speculative in their decisions. They believe in slow and steady wins the race procedure of life. The formula of success in the job world today is fast and steady wins the race. As a requisite, a combination of confidence, leadership skills, out going nature, easy conversation and many such factor which are very bleakly present in an introverts personality; may lag them behind in the race at job. All jobs involve interaction and public contact. Introversion does not mean end of life or career but it is rather advisable for an individual to involve himself towards extroversion for better results in career and personal life.
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