Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Using the Spanish Verb Encontrar
Using the Spanish Verb Encontrar Although encontrar is obviously a cognate of the English verb to encounter and has the same basic meaning, it is more common than the English verb and is used in a wider variety of situations. Most of the time, encontrar can be translated as to find with its varieties of meanings: Quiero encontrar al hombre de mi vida. I want to find the man of my life. Aquà vas a encontrar el mejor jazz en el mundo. Here you are going to find the best jazz in the world. No encuentro la opcià ³n de exportar la foto. Im not finding the option for exporting the photo. à ¿Encontraste las llaves del coche? Did you find the keys to the car? No pude encontrar lo que estaba buscando. I couldnt find what I was looking for. Encontrà © que las puertas de las oportunidades se abrieron. I found that the doors of opportunity were opened. Los mà ©dicos le encontraron el cncer justo a tiempo. The doctors found his cancer just in time. Encontraron dificultad para diferenciar entre lesiones benignas y malignas. They found difficulty in differentiating between benign and harmful injuries. In the above examples, other translations for encontrar are possible: Im not locating the option for exporting the photo. I saw that the doors of opportunity were opened. The doctors discovered his cancer just in time. They ran into difficulty in differentiating between benign and harmful injuries. They encountered difficulty in differentiating between benign and harmful injuries. If you try translating a sentence using encontrar and find doesnt work well, you may have better luck using one of the verbs in the above paragraph. The reflexive form encontrarse sometimes suggests that something was found unexpectedly or by chance: Se encontraron el dinero en la calle. They (unexpectedly) found the money in the streets. Yo me encuentro el mismo problema. I am (unintentionally) finding the same problem. The reflexive form can also be used to mean to meet each other or to find each other. Brad y Jennifer se encontraron en secreto. Brad and Jennifer met in secret. La medicina y la fe se encuentran en Lourdes. Medicine and faith meet at Lourdes. The reflexive form can also be used to give the verb a passive meaning: Se encontraron las llaves de la casa, pero ningà ºn efecto personal. The keys to the house were found, but no personal effects. No se encontrà ³ nada. Era una falsa alerta. Nothing was found. It was a false alarm. Keep in mind that encontrar is conjugated irregularly, following the pattern of . When the stem of the verb is stressed, the o changes to ue. Verb forms that are irregular (in boldface) are: Present indicative (I find, you find, etc.): yo encuentro, tà º encuentras, usted/à ©l/ella encuentra, nosotros/as encontramos, vosotros/as encontris, ustedes/ellos/ellas encuentran. Present subjunctive (that I find, that you find, etc.): que yo encuentre, que tà º encuentres, que usted/à ©l/ella encuentre, que nosotros/as encontremos, que vosotros/as encontrà ©is, que ustedes/ellos/ellas encuentren. Imperative (commands): encuentra (tà º), no encuentres (tà º), encuentre usted, encontremos (nosotros/as), encontrad (vosotros/as), no encontrà ©is (vosotros/as), encuentren ustedes. All other forms are regularly conjugated. The most common related noun is el encuentro, which can refer to encounters of various kinds, including meetings, discussions and even collisions.
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